Monday, August 16, 2010

Back to School 2010-2011

August 16, 2010

Welcome to a brand new preschool year at Our House!!! We have made a few changes over the summer in hopes to make our program even better!

My name is Carla Lamar Ray and I am the new Preschool Curriculum Coordinator at Our House. You can usually find me sitting at the desk in the front hall. I have recently retired (??) from 27 years in Jessamine County Schools. I spent the first 17 years teaching at Nicholasville Elementary. I spent my first years as a reading and math specialist, then spent the following years in kindergarten, K-1, 1-2 and even one year with 1-2-3!!!

When Jessamine County decided to pull all the preschool and kindergarten classrooms out of the elementary schools and house them in one location, I made the move to the Jessamine Early Learning Village where I have been for the last ten years teaching kindergarten.

I am very excited to join my very good friends at Our House. My two (adult) children are Our House Alumni. We go back to the early days in Ms. Treasa's and Ms. Tammy's homes and at the first daycare in Nicholasville. I have worked closely with Ms. Treasa and Ms. Tammy for over 24 years and am so glad to be joining them.

I am working hard to design a new format for the preschool curriculum at Our House for your children. I will be using a blog to communicate with you. The address for the blog is It can also be found on the Our House webpage ( under the Parents tab. My hopes are you parents will subscribe to the blog or check it often. If you happen to have gmail, I can show you an easy way to subscribe!
I plan to post links to websites that will help you help your child. I will be searching for links to interactive sites that are appropriate for you to use with your child at home. I will keep you up to date about what is happening at Our House and what exciting plans are coming up!

Fasten your seat belts and get ready for a great new year!!! Please stop by my desk in the front hall and introduce yourself!

I would like to get all parent's e-mail addresses in order to better communicate with you. I plan to keep you in close touch with what is going on in the classrooms and what exciting activities we are planning in the future.

I am attaching the tentative Theme calendar for the 2010-2011 school year. I am still planning and researching themes and these could change.

I am also attaching a sheet for you to fill out with e-mail addresses. I would like to set up a parent e-mail group that will help me communicate with you better.

I will be sending monthly bookorders home. I encourage you to use these to build a home library for your child. Reading to your child on a daily basis is fundamental for their reading development! The prices in the book orders are much lower than you will find in local stores.


Four Year Olds will have a $45 supply fee that pays for 2+ readers, Handwriting Without Tears workbooks and weekly readers.

Three Year Olds and Wiggle Worms will have a $25 fee that covers 2+ readers.

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